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Signal Found


2020 - Alpha Stage


Digital Game





Signal Found is a narrative exploration game about a forsaken and derelict planet with forgotten secrets lying in the dark below the surface. Signal Found was started as a capstone project in Dr. Bob De Schutter's IMS487 Capstone Preproduction class with a team of eight people, including myself.


In Signal Found, players control the R03-VR/ROVER quad-rotor drone from a spaceship in orbit as a part of a spacefaring planetary surveying company with a goal of identifying resource-rich exoplanets. However, things are not as they seem as this previously assumed desolate planet shows signs of a long-lost intelligent civilization. 


Signal Found's design intends to tell a story with its environment, supplemented by discoverable PDAs left behind by the planet's mysterious and missing inhabitants. 

My role in Signal Found was primarily as project lead and manager. I organized and lead all team meetings and kept track of progress and communication. In 2020, I took over our social media and our release and website management.


Signal Found is currently in an Alpha state and downloadable for free from

Contribution: Project Management, Game Design, Narrative Design, Marketing

View Velocity Tracking and Graphing
View Kanban Board on Trello

© 2023 by Sean Keough

I took those Ireland pictures up top :)

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